Have the xenophobic attacks which have taken place in some parts of the country given refugees a voice bigger than those of Afro South Africans?

This country is in crisis when coming to refugees. Refugees in South Africa have a serious problem I am not sure with who but I’ll tell you this much its deep. I mean come on, since when do refugees have the right to make demands such as where the government should take them? Really! refugees let me just say this is not the time nor the place to be seeking your hearts desires okay, the government of this country is neither Santa nor a servant of God let’s just be realistic on that one okay the South African government cannot be taking your demands and make them their top priority, speciously in this time of the year where the government could be thinking about how South African would be going about the following year. And I’m talking jobs, improving our economy and making sure that people don’t lose their jobs next year and looking into way for businesses not to lose equity, etc. and that is what our government should be focusing on this time of the year. Not you.
This is what the government need to understand, xenophobic attacks don’t just occur out of nowhere they happen because you keep on failing your own over and over again then instead of them dealing with that they tend to take those frustrations out on others, don’t get me wrong but who else can they use as a punching bag rather than refugees because of their SMEs which are not even registered. Can’t you see that it is because of the lake of the needs which as South Africans happen to be experiencing that makes us look like we are psychotics even thought we not and that always leads to bad publicity for the entire country? Seriously some of them I’ve heard they want to go to Canada. I personally don’t think that our government would be stupid enough to spend South African Rands on refugees like that. No! Like seriously, hopefully they don’t. I mean a trip to Canada sounds like a trip they might want to save for or elsewhere besides their own countries.
But when I heard the news the first time the fact that they were sleeping outside but forcefully broke in the facility pissed me off a bit. But even after what they did the matter still went to court for their sake. Only God knows for how long it will take and hearing that Canada is at the top of their list as one of the countries they wouldn’t mind going to I was like come on people... Canada really! Sigh-you mean to tell me that the government is looking into spending way more that they could be spending by just returning them back home where they belong? I get why they don’t want to go back to their own countries but they shouldn’t make it look like them wanting to go to a different country is South African government business the government is not the one who told them to flee their own countries and end up in this one in the first place, so it’s not. They can go to Canada by themselves and I don’t think anybody would try to stop them at least not in South Africa. But now what needs to happen is the government needs to put an offer in the table for refugees that want to live the country. Offer them transport back to their own countries and when they get there they need to make plans to go to Canada but not when their still in South Africa.

But now I’m like whatever to this matter being in court, don’t even want to know the final decision they’ll make because the is a chance I might not like the outcomes of it and end up making a comment which some people might have a problem with and I don’t mean to sound like I’m anti-other Africans because I’m not.


Anonymous said…
They should go back to their countries because the is nothing for them here really.
MamoepaGP said…
You just pointing the obvious and the fact. our country south Africa is falling apart and the government is doing very little to save it, I love my country and all this nonsense has to stop for sure
Anonymous said…
I hate the fact that what they doing in our country we can't do in their respective countries including them, so they must just leave and go back to their respective countries.

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