Organised Yeah right! (Politic view)


It gets disappointing though and disturbing for one to weakness the lake of respect between the leaders of a country. It’s what’s happening between the leading parties in South Africa. If you as a leader of a party turn to disrespect other leader’s opinion in public by crying it out loud how bad they making this country so that your followers can be proud of you and also to gain more followers, it then shows that your no better than the person your publicly disrespecting.
And if your followers like the way you handle the other leaders in public, it then shows that you do have the power to make thousands of people’s lives better but instead you decide to make them your alliances in a not so suitable manner. If the people want to vote for your party, then they will no matter what (its not like they ever keep the promises they make). 
If our leaders would rather be against each other than to be with each other, then what kind of an example are they setting for those who look up to them?, because you  can’t say to the people that you want peace for this country where else on the other hand your busy picking public fights with your competitors.



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