Have the xenophobic attacks which have taken place in some parts of the country given refugees a voice bigger than those of Afro South Africans? This country is in crisis when coming to refugees. Refugees in South Africa have a serious problem I am not sure with who but I’ll tell you this much its deep. I mean come on, since when do refugees have the right to make demands such as where the government should take them? Really! refugees let me just say this is not the time nor the place to be seeking your hearts desires okay, the government of this country is neither Santa nor a servant of God let’s just be realistic on that one okay the South African government cannot be taking your demands and make them their top priority, speciously in this time of the year where the government could be thinking about how South African would be going about the following year. And I’m talking jobs, improving our economy and making sure that people don’t lose their jobs next year and looking into w...
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